CJEM Volume 2 Issue 2

CJEM Volume 2 Issue 2

President’s Letter


Diagnostic Challenge

Diagnostic ChallengeIf it walks like appendicitis and talks like appendicitis . . . – K. Hollohan, MD

Diagnostic ChallengeIf it walks like appendicitis and talks like appendicitis . . . ANSWER  – K. Hollohan, MD

EM Advances


Flu vaccine and the EDAdministering influenza vaccine in a Canadian emergency department: Is there a role?Ann Marie Chiasson, MD;

EM Administration

EM Advances – Do emergency physicians know the costs of medical care? Grant Innes, MD*


CJEM Journal Club

CJEM Journal ClubInhibition of platelet aggregation in unstable anginaL.D. Burkart,MD

CJEM Journal ClubHelical CT in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism – R. Lee, MD


PediatricsInfantile glaucoma presenting as a case of “red eye” – David M. James, MD

Rural and Small Urban Issues

Rural and Small Urban Issues  Rural physicians practising emergency medicine: paying the piperPeter Hutten-Czapski, MD

Case Reports

Resident Issues

Resident Issues“Research sucks!”Gord McInnes, MD

International EM

Media Reviews

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