AIME Awake


AIME Awake Halifax, NS *SOLD OUT* email to waitlist – Feb 8, 2025
Click here to register

AIME Awake Halifax, NS – Apr 12, 2025
Click here to register

This program is designed for experience clinicians. Clinicians will benefit most from this program if they have had prior airway management training/experience (e.g. an AIME course, residency training and/or significant “field” experience)

Note: Potential attendees should be aware that this course uses clinical cadavers that have been gifted tot he Human Body Donation program at Dalhousie. These bodies’ tissues retain a lifelike response to airway interventions.

Highlights & Learning Objectives

AIME Awake program highlights include:

  • High-quality, approachable and often entertaining educators.
  • 4-5:1 learner to instructor ratio.
  • 4-5:1 learner to clinical cadaver ratio.
  • Brief didactic session to reinforce present the components of, and indications for awake tracheal intubation (ATI)
  • Bedside demonstration of effective techniques for applying topical airway anesthesia, followed by hands-on practice opportunity in cadavers.
  • Extensive hands-on opportunity to gain skills in both and flexible endoscopy-and video laryngoscopy facilitated awake intubation techniques, with 1:1 coaching through each repetition by experienced faculty.
  • Opportunity for further flexible endoscopy skills acquisition on part-task simulators.
  • Faculty with mixed Emergency Medicine and Anesthesia backgrounds, all with extensive experience in performing and teaching airway management.

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the components of awake internal airway assessment. (Medical Expert)
  2. Identify the components of awake tracheal intubation(ATI). (Medical Expert)
  3. Illustrate when ATI is the safest option for securing the airway. (Medical Expert)
  4. Employ effective topical airway anesthesia to facilitate well-tolerated ATI. (Medical Expert)
  5. Use flexible endoscopy and video laryngoscopy to facilitate (simulated awake) tracheal intubation in human cadaveric specimens. (Medical Expert)
  6. Recognize when to enhance the standard airway evaluation with awake internal airway assessment and use flexible endoscopy or video laryngoscopy for the purpose. (Medical Expert)
  7. Identify difficulties that may arise during ATI, and specify potential solutions. (Medical Expert)

Program Day:
0800-0830 Arrival / registration / coffee
0830-0850 Welcome and course logistics
0850-0930 Didactic: Introduction to awake tracheal intubation (ATI)
0930-1000 Hands-on 1: Topical airway anesthesia for ATI
1000-1020 Coffee break.
1020-1200 Hands-on 2: Oral ATI using flexible endoscopy
1200-1240 Lunch
1240-1320 Hands-on 3: Oral ATI using video laryngoscopy
1320-1400 Hands-on 4: Nasal ATI using flexible endoscopy
1400-1500 Case simulations and discussion (with refreshments)
1500-1600 Hands-on 5: Awake internal airway assessment and ATI skills consolidation
1600-1630 Cognitive consolidation and wrap-up


This 1 credit per hour Assessment program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and Nova Scotia Chapter for up to 6.75 Mainpro+ credits.

This activity is an Accredited Simulation Activity (Section 3) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by CAEP. You may claim a maximum of 6.75 hours (credits are automatically calculated).


Dr. George Kovacs is a full-time professor of Emergency Medicine and is cross-appointed in the Department of Anesthesiology at Dalhousie University. He works clinically as an emergency physician at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre in Halifax. He is the co-developer of Airway Interventions & Management in Emergencies (AIME). He is actively involved in airway management research and education, collaborating on local, national and international projects. He is the co-editor of a soon to be published second edition textbook titled Airway Management in Emergencies.

Dr. Adam Law is a staff neuroanesthesiologist at the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Professor of Anesthesiology at Dalhousie University. He is also medical director of the Atlantic Health Training and Simulation Centre in Halifax. Before returning to residency and fellowship training in anesthesia, Dr. Law spent 6 years in general practice in a small town in rural New Brunswick. He now teaches airway and difficult airway management across Canada and the US.

Dr. Sam Campbell went to Med school in South Africa, did his emerg training at St Paul’s in Vancouver. He is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Dalhousie University, Chief of Emergency Medicine, Charles V Keating Emergency and Trauma Centre in Halifax, a Trauma Team Leader; and On-line Medical consultant to the IWK/Maritime Poison Centre, EHS Nova Scotia Air Ambulance and Ground Ambulance services. His special interests are: The emergency management of Infectious and respiratory disease, continuous quality improvement and airway management.


Registration Fees $1300 $1150


Any use and/or application, in any location, in any manner, of any of the content or materials of the AIME course by any participant of  AIME  or any other individual shall be at the sole and complete discretion of the said participant or individual.  For greater certainty CAEP and the speakers/presenters shall have no liability whatsoever for any use and/or application, in any location, in any manner, of any of the content or materials of the AIME course by any AIME participant or any other individual. Royal CBD Royal CBD Creams