CPD Proposals

The CPD Committee is always open to new CPD activities and opportunities. If you have an idea or proposal, please submit the CPD Proposal Form and the Business Case Submission Form to Gail Chapman (gchapman@caep.ca).

Approval Process:

  1. The CPD Committee will review the Proposal Form and evaluate it from a needs perspective on the content as well as through the accreditation lens to ensure the development and development process aligns with the National Standards. The evaluation form is available below.
  2. Once the proposal has been evaluated and approved by the CPD Committee, the Deputy Executive Director will review the Business Case submission form and use this to develop a business case for the course for review and approval of the Executive Director.


  • CAEP’s CPD programming is one of CAEP’s revenue streams that is cross subsidized to support other CAEP initiatives. Any financial investment into development costs will be recovered through charging a registration fee. These registration fees will ultimately provide a modest profit to CAEP which gets reinvested to continue to enhance member value.
  • As outlined in CAEPs copyright policy, all CAEP CPD is owned by CAEP and therefore contributors and authors will be required to sign an intellectual property waiver.


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