The CAEP Antiracism and Anticolonialism Committee will provide advocacy, support, mentorship and networking opportunities for Emergency Physicians who are Black, Indigenous and persons of colour, and allies. It will work toward equity with a focus on addressing racism and colonialism in emergency medicine in the areas of patient care, physician advancement, professional development and medical education.

To develop partnerships with other equity-focused health care groups within and outside of CAEP (e.g., the CAEP Women in Emergency Medicine Committee, the CAEP 2SLGBTQ+ Committee, the Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada, Black Physicians of Canada) and to establish collaborations with community organizations and patient advocacy groups.
To provide a networking forum for CAEP members who are Black, Indigenous, and persons of colour, and allies.
To create opportunities for mentorship for medical students, residents and staff from Indigenous and racialized groups.
To develop guidelines for emergency medicine practice to promote equity specifically in addressing racism and colonialism in patient care, physician advancement, professional development and medical education and to recommend metrics for Canadian emergency departments to apply in assessing progress in promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion.
To contribute to the resources available through CAEP’s EDI Resource Centre.
How to Get Involved
We welcome CAEP members at all levels of training (medical students, residents, and attending physicians) to reach out about joining the committee or ways to get involved. You can contact Żaneta Czarnejko ( at the CAEP Head Office.
Executive Committee

Jennifer Bryan
Toronto, Ontario
Dr. Bryan is the founding Chair of the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Antiracism and Anticolonialism Committee. Her work is focused on equity in emergency medicine and is at the intersection of global health with antiracism and anticolonialism. She is an emergency physician, Director of Research in Emergency Medicine at the University Health Network and an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. She is the Director of Operations of the Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration in Emergency Medicine (TAAAC-EM) and a founding member of the University Health Network emergency department sickle cell working group.

Jaspreet Khangura
Vice Chair
Toronto, Ontario

James Liu
Member at Large
Langley, BC

Taylor Lougheed
Member at Large
North Bay, Ontario
Dr. Taylor Lougheed is an Emergency Physician living and working on the traditional territory of the Nippissing First Nation Anishnabe in North Bay, Ontario, and is passionate about addressing racism, colonialism, and equity in our healthcare system.

Sara Alavian
Resident Member
Hamilton, Ontario

Tharsini Sivananthajothy (she/her)
Medical Student Member
Calgary, AB

Janet Rodriguez
Community Representative

Betalihem Lemma
Student Representative

Taylore Tiffany Jean Dupuis Shalovsky
Student Representative