Geriatric Emergency Medicine Committee

Supporting the care of older people in emergency departments.

Our mission is to provide a forum for Canadian Emergency Medicine (EM) clinicians, researchers, educators, and administrators committed to optimizing the care of older people in EDs; and to define and promote standards of excellence in their care.

Our vision is to create an environment within the Canadian emergency care community that promotes best practice, education, research, advocacy, and collaboration, which will serve to improve older adult emergency care across Canada.

The objectives of this committee are to:

  1. To establish and promote a network of people working in EM with at least a partial focus on older people;
  2. To provide a forum for exchange of developments in clinical care, research, education, and policy relating to older people in the ED and in pre-hospital care;
  3. To create a centre of expertise within CAEP on the emergency department needs of Canada’s aging population;
  4. To define standards for care of older patients in Canadian EDs;
  5. To promote research that prioritizes older patients in EDs;
  6. To enable education at the UGME, PGME, and CME levels.
Terms of Reference

Brittany Ellis



Kayla Furlong

Vice Chair

Newfoundland & Labrador

Don Melady

Past Chair


Debra Eagles

Past Chair


Savannah Forrester


British Columbia

Alice Gray

Continuing Professional Development & Education Lead


Rebecca Schonnop

Membership & Communications Lead


Kevin Boreskie

Resident Representative


Priyank Bhatnagar

Member at Large


Audrey-Anne Brousseau

Member at Large


Doug Sinclair

Member at Large

Nova Scotia

Kira Gossack Keenan

Member at Large

British Columbia

Marier-Pier Lanoue

Member at Large


Tessa Ringer

Member at Large


Jamie Vander Ende

Member at Large


Carrol Ann Lapierre

Administrative Support

CAEP Head Office – Ottawa, ON

CAEP Geriatric EM Course: We offer this 4-hour course virtually and in-person throughout the year, and cover high-yield geriatric emergency medicine topics to apply in your ED. More details can be found here.

Check back soon for additional upcoming events and follow us on twitter for up-to-date information on clinical pearls and events! @GeriEM_Canada.

Interested in Geri-EM Research?

Are you interested in collaborating on a geriatric emergency medicine research project? Contact us here for research related ideas or questions.

How to Join

Interested in becoming a member of the CAEP Geriatric Emergency Medicine Committee or have additional questions? Please contact us here. Royal CBD Royal CBD Creams