CAEP National Grand Rounds

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Learning objectives:

At the end of the session, participants will be able to:

Discuss how shift work impacts our long-term morbidity and mortality.

Recognize how fatigue impact our cognition, productivity and error rates on shift.

Differentiate which important factors influence how shift work intersects with individual performance, safety and health.

Summarize the key takeaways from the  CAEP Position Statement on Advanced Practice Emergency Physicians.

Assess key strategies for healthier physiological scheduling.

Illustrate how groups can optimize the scheduling process.

Rodrick Lim


Dr. Rod Lim is a Professor and Medical Director / Section Head of the Paediatric Emergency Department and the Deputy Chair of Faculty Development at Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry / Western University. Dr Lim is the Chair and proud member of the Wellness Emergency Medicine Committee at CAEP and has a strong interest in Physician Wellness.

Sara Gray


Dr. Sara Gray works in Toronto, at St. Michael’s Hospital. She divides her work between Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, wellness programs, public speaking and professional coaching.

Fraser D. Mackay


Ex-paramedic cum rural emergency physician and passionate advocate for progress in Emergency Medicine across Canada and the intentional design of healthcare and social structure implicit therein.





Louise Rang


Louise Rang, MD FRCPC, is an emergency physician and associate professor at Queen’s University Department of Emergency Medicine. She is currently in her dream role as the Professional Sustainability & Wellness Lead for the department, which allows her to work creatively and collaboratively to improve physician and departmental wellbeing. She is an active member of the CAEP Wellness Committee.

Judy Morris


Judy Morris is an emergency physician and trauma team leader at Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal. She is the past-president of Association des médecins d’urgence du Québec (AMUQ). Dr Morris is the Assistant director in the Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine at the University of Montreal. She believes it is essential to maintain a commitment to wellness to ensure longevity in emergency medicine.

Brittany Cameron


Dr. Brittany Cameron is a staff physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine (EM) at Michael Garron Hospital. Her special interests include physician wellness and medical education. Brittany is an executive member on CAEP’s Wellness Executive and a representative of Toronto Women in Emergency Medicine’s (TWEM) executive.  She acts as the Wellness Co-Lead in EM at MGH and as a part of the University of Toronto’s Tri-Divisional EM Academic Wellness Collaboration.

Dr. Cameron recently finished a Masters of Science in Community Health (MScCH) at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health. Outside of medicine, she enjoys ocean swims,  trail running and design.


This Group Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 12 Mainpro+ credits.  Earn up to one (1) certified Mainpro+® credit per webinar.

This webinar series is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and approved by Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians.  You may claim a maximum of 12 hours.  Earn up to one (1) MOC Section 1 hour per webinar (credits are automatically calculated).

The pandemic has been hard on Emergency Physicians in Canada.  Already working in overcrowded emergency departments we came together early in the pandemic at CAEP’s virtual town halls.  We shared ideas and expertise from across the country to become stronger and care better for our patients.  After the new normal of the pandemic set in, the need to share expertise and stay connected continued.  National Grand Rounds replaced the virtual town halls and is now where Canada’s Emergency Physicians come to stay connected and up to date on the latest evidence.   Difficult issues within emergency medicine are discussed and debated.  Important clinical topics relevant to every emergency department across the country, from small-town to large urban centre, are covered in this virtual platform.  CAEP’s National Grand Rounds will remain as a silver lining to the many challenges faced by the Emergency Medicine community in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Need assistance? Contact Lilian at

Overall learning objectives:

  1. Propose strategies to ensure career longevity. (Scholar, Professional)
  2. Apply up-to-date evidence to inform clinical decisions. (Medical Expert, Scholar)
  3. Support the future direction of EM in Canada (Leader, Health Advocate, Professional)
  4. Value CAEP and colleagues within a virtual platform. (Collaborator, Health Advocate, Professional)

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Recordings from September 1, 2022 onwards are available to CAEP members.

Click on the session you want to watch and login to view.

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If you have issues accessing the recordings, please message Lilian El-Zein.

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Grand Rounds Recordings prior to September 2022

Recordings between September 23, 2021 and June 1, 2022 are available to CAEP members by logging in here.

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