QIPS Resource Centre

In recent years, the importance of quality improvement and patient safety (QIPS) has become evident in healthcare in general, and in emergency medicine in particular. Though this is increasingly widely acknowledged, there is still a paucity of guiding resources as to how healthcare providers can obtain the knowledge and skills to initiate meaningful change. In order to help foster the development of QIPS, the following Resource Centre was created to guide training in the science of QIPS.
Jump to the QIPS Resource Lookup.

QIPS Resource Centre

In addition to the high-yield resources above, the following repository will help you identify courses, opportunities and resources that may be of help to you. You can refine your search according to the criteria listed, including the following three levels of training:

1. Entry Level Resources – includes articles and online modules/courses aimed at defining and providing a fundamental understanding of the core concepts of QIPS
2. Advanced Level Training – includes links to national and international courses with more in-depth education in specific QIPS methodologies or skill sets
3. Graduate Level Training – includes links to Canadian and international Masters/PhD-level training programs

We will be updating this resource centre semi-annually. However, if you feel there is a resource that should be added/removed to/from the list, please email the details to jbeljo@caep.ca.

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