WEM (Women in Emergency Medicine)

The Women in Emergency Medicine committee will provide support, mentorship and networking opportunities to women in emergency medicine with the goal of helping its members achieve their ideal balance in all areas of their lives.

Our goal is to empower women in emergency medicine through representation,  mentorship,  education and advocacy.

Find out more about women who are making a difference in Emergency Medicine. A series of interviews is being conducted.  

Read the interviews 

We are celebrating some of the many women who have demonstrated leadership during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click on each of the images, or on the button below, to view the list of local heroes.

View the Local Heroes        Read their Profiles

Who We Are

Chair                      Dr. Ayesha Zia MD FRCPC
Vice-Chair Dr. Gillian Sheppard MD, FCFP (EM)
Resident Representatives
Dr. Gabriele Jagelaviciute MD
Dr. Isabella Menchetti MD
Medical Student Representative Samara Reyes (UBC Class of 2025)
Social Media Representative Dr. Laurence Baril 
Members at Large Dr. Emma Mcilveen-Brown MD, CCFP (EM)
  Dr. Chau Pham MD, FRCPC, MBA
  Dr. Taylor Bischoff MD, FRCPC
Dr. Sheryl Seidman MD, CCFP



Saturday, June 8th, 2024 2PM – 4PM MT time

CAEP24 Pre-conference Workshop:  Better Together – Moving Towards Gender Equity in EM

More information


Monday, June 10th, 2024 at 2PM MT time

WEM Committee meeting at CAEP24 Conference


Monday, June 10th 2024 at 3PM MT time

Joint WEM-SOGI Social Event – details to follow


Get involved:

Wondering how you can get involved? Spread the word about our advertised events! Follow @CAEP_WomenInEM Come or call in to our annual meeting!

Please consider joining the committee or become a local mentorship lead! If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact: jgale@caep.ca

Resources & Articles:

Stop the stereotypes – Women should not have to prove their non-inferiority

Gender-based differences in physician payments within the fee-for-service system in Ontario: a retrospective, cross-sectional study CMAJ

Making Medical Leadership More Diverse

Suicide among physicians and health-care workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Recognizing and addressing implicit gender bias in medicine

Letter to a Young Female Physician

Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Microaggressions in Medicine

Sexism in medical care: “Nurse, can you get me another blanket?”

The Importance of Women-Focused Groups in Academic Medicine

Exploring Gender Bias in Nursing Evaluations of Emergency Medicine Residents

Association of Physician Characteristics With Perceptions and Experiences of Gender Equity in an Academic Internal Medicine Department

Gender Differences in Faculty Rank Among Academic Emergency Physicians in the United States

Implementation of a Departmental Female Emergency Medicine Physician Group

“A Woman EP?”- Prejudiced Indian Psyche!

BMC Med 2018 The perceived organizational impact of the gender gap across a Canadian department of medicine and proposed strategies to combat it: a qualitative study.

NEJM 2018: Men’s Fear of Mentoring in the #MeToo Era — What’s at Stake for Academic Medicine?

Tackling unconscious bias in academic medicine from AAMC:

EMCRIT 2015, Resuscitation Program and FEMinEM discussion on Women as Conference Speakers and Unconscious Bias:

Advancing women in academic medicine: ten strategies to use everyday

ACEP // Maximizing the Potential of Women in Emergency Medicine

ACEP // American Association of Women EPs


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