The Emergency Medicine Wellness Special Interest Group strives to advocate and promote personal and professional wellbeing of Emergency Medicine across Canada.
In order to advocate for and to enable Emergency Physicians across Canada to embark on projects that improve professional wellbeing,
The Committee will:
- Link and coordinate leaders from Emergency Medicine in wellness resources and initiatives to guide and promote programs that have had regional success, for broader implementation
- Promote, develop and coordinate Wellness initiatives for the CAEP Wellness week that occurs annually, in an effort to draw member and public attention to important wellness issues facing Emergency Medicine physicians
- Strive to develop standardized wellness policy and procedures in Emergency medicine departments regardless of size
- Develop educational workshops, electronic resources or in-situ programs to promote development of wellness nationally
- Coordinate with other national wellness organizations for shared opportunities
- Pursue scholarly activities within the topics in wellness through position statements, highlights of initiatives or coordination of projects between multiple centers.
- Support opportunities to promote trainee EM wellness initiatives.
- Foster Mentorship on Wellness across all levels