
Already have an account?

CAEP has recently migrated to a new member platform. If this is your first time logging in on this site, please click forgot password and follow the prompts.
Please DO NOT use your old credentials.

Group/Institution Membership Contact Christina Here

Will you be on parental leave in 2025? CAEP currently offers proration of your dues based on the time you are away.  Contact Krista-Lyn Panti <>for more information.

Parental Leave Membership
How to Renew your CAEP Membership Video Here

Why belong?

Career Development

  • FREE access to CAEP’s accredited National Grand Rounds
  • Access to highly regarded CPD courses at major registration discounts
  • Free access to the Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine (CJEM)
  • Registration discount at the Annual CAEP Conference
  • Eligible to receive CAEP research grants
  • Eligible to receive CAEP research awards
  • Eligible to nominate or be nominated for CAEP annual awards
  • Discounts on ECG Weekly courses and subscriptions
    • Free access to EM Rap contact to obtain your unique code.
    • Free access to ER Cast
  • Discounts on Hippo EM Education
  • Discount on Pediatric Emergency Care
  • Discount on eACLS

Financial Discounts

  • CAEP professional members SAVE 15% and trainees SAVE 20% on an annual or longer subscription to UpToDate!
  • Discounts on home and auto insurance thought the Co-Operators
  • Special rates on medical and dental insurance through Green Shield Canada
  • Special rates with Telus
  • Discount on VisualDx
  • Discount on Pepid
  • Discounts on tickets from Broadway across Canada
  • 30% off Physician AMUQ memberships
  • 10% discount on all CAEP advertising: CJEM, EM Marketplace, EM in the NEWS, Exhibit Booths


  • CAEP advocates on behalf of you and your patients
  • We support the development of the specialty of emergency medicine for you
  • Gain a larger voice representing you and your specialty

Networking Opportunities

  • Opportunity to become involved with CAEP committees and sections
  • Exclusive access to CAEP mentorship programs
  • Connect with colleagues and potential mentors at events and through online discussions

Membership Types

Physician Members

Active Members

(Expires December 31 , 2025)

Active Members of the Association shall be physicians who reside in Canada that devote a significant portion of their medical endeavors to Emergency Medicine. Active Members of the Association shall also be registered practitioners licensed and in good standing with a college of physicians and surgeons or equivalent governing body within Canada. Active Members shall enjoy the privileges of membership as defined by the Board and they may vote in elections, at Annual or Special General Meetings of the Association, and hold appointed or elected office. Active Members may sit as members on all committees and sections and they may also chair all committees and sections.

Active AMUQ Members – (30% off regular dues)

Please contact for with proof of your AMUQ membership to receive your discount code.

Active members as described above who also have a current membership with AMUQ (l’Association des médicins d’urgence du Québec) receive 30% off their CAEP membership.  CAEP members who wish to join AMUQ will receive 30% of an AMUQ membership.

Affiliate Members
$525 (Expires December 31 , 2025)

Affiliate Members of the Association shall be physicians who reside in Canada, registered practitioners licensed and in good standing with a college of physicians and surgeons or equivalent governing body within Canada, and interested/involved in Emergency Medicine. Affiliate Members shall enjoy the privileges of membership as defined by the Board but they shall not have the right to vote in elections, the right to vote at Annual or Special General Meetings of the Association, or the right to hold appointed or elected office. Affiliate Members may sit as members on all committees and sections and they may also chair all committees and sections.

Bridge Members (First and Second year Staff Physicians)
$395 (Expires December 31 , 2025)

Bridge Members of the Association shall be first or second year staff physicians who reside in Canada, are registered and licensed practitioners, in good standing with a college of physicians and surgeons or equivalent governing body within Canada, and who are interested/involved in Emergency Medicine. Full membership benefits apply.

International Members
$525 (Expires December 31 , 2025)

International Members of the Association shall be physicians who reside and/or practice outside of Canada that are interested and/or involved in Emergency Medicine. International Members shall enjoy the privileges of membership as defined by the Board and they shall not have the right to vote in elections, the right to vote at Annual or Special General Meetings of the Association, the right to hold appointed or elected office, or the right to chair all committees or sections. International Members may sit as members on all committees and sections.

Retired Members
$175 (Expires December 31 , 2025)

An Active Member who retires from the practice of the profession may, on application to the Executive Director or such other person as designated by the Executive Director or the Board, become a Retired Member of the Association. Retired Members shall enjoy the privileges of membership as defined by the Board and they shall not have the right to vote in elections, the right to vote at Annual or Special General Meetings of the Association, the right to hold appointed or elected office, or the right to chair all committees and sections. Retired Members may sit as members on all committees and sections.  Retired members receive online access to CJEM


Resident Members

Resident Members
$155 (Expires December 31, 2025)

Resident Members of the Association shall be Canadian physicians engaged in post-graduate training in Canada who plan to practice Emergency Medicine. Resident Members shall enjoy the privileges of membership as defined by the Board and they shall not have the right to vote in elections, the right to vote at Annual or Special General Meetings of the Association, the right to hold appointed or elected office, or the right to chair all committees. Resident Members may sit as members on all committees and sections.

Resident AMUQ Members

Resident members as described above who also have a current membership with AMUQ (l’Association des médicins d’urgence du Québec).


Student Members

Student Members
$90 (Expires December 31, 2025)

Student Members of the Association shall be medical students resident and enrolled in a program in Canada who are interested in Emergency Medicine. Student Members shall enjoy the privileges of membership as defined by the Board and they shall not have the right to vote in elections, the right to vote at Annual or Special General Meetings of the Association, the right to hold appointed or elected office, or the right to chair all committees and sections Student Members may sit as non-voting members on all committees and sections.


Associate Members

Nurse / Paramedic / Research Associate / Physician Assistant Members / Social Workers / Allied Health
$295 (Expires December 31, 2025)

Associate Member status will be considered for individuals with an interest in Emergency Medicine who are not physicians and who reside in Canada. Associate Members shall enjoy the privileges of membership as defined by the Board and they shall not have the right to vote in elections, the right to vote at Annual or Special General Meetings of the Association, the right to hold appointed or elected office, or the right to chair all committees and sections They may sit as non-voting members on all committees and sections.


We are the voice of emergency medicine in Canada.  We represent you, the EM Community. CAEP will advocate for you and your patients, connect you with your colleagues, lead emergency medicine education, foster research and innovation, define standards for quality emergency care and collaborate with other emergency care providers.

Questions? Contact the Membership Team!

Christina Bova
Director, Member Engagement & Advocacy
Phone: 613-523-3343 ext. 17 Royal CBD Royal CBD Creams