CJEM Volume 11 Issue 2

CJEM Volume 11 Issue 2


EditorialTen years old and still learning to walkJim Ducharme, MD

ÉditorialDix ans et toujours en train d’apprendre à marcherJim Ducharme, MD

Original Research

EM AdvancesAdherence to emergency department discharge prescriptionsCorinne M. Hohl, MD, MHSc;*†‡

EM AdvancesThe appropriateness of referrals to a pediatric emergency department via a telephone health lineTawfik Al-Abdullah, MD;*

EM AdvancesIndividual emergency physician admission rates: predictably unpredictableDavid Mutrie, MA, MD;*†

EM AdvancesAcute myocardial infarction in patients with syncopeDaniel McDermott, MD;*

State of the Art

Knowledge Applied to Practice

Case Reports

Humour and Humanity

Humour and Humanity The medicine manMichael J. Schull, MD, MSc

Residents’ Corner

Residents’ CornerFear and loathing in Ottawa: the Royal College Fellowship ExaminationAndrew Campbell, MD


LettersSafety first – sedate and shockAndrew Healey, MD

LettersThe authors respondJason Mitchell, BSc

LettersA sentinel event for Ontario hospitalsJason Datema, MD

LettersAdvocate or abdicate: the responsible choice for today’s emergency medicine residentAlan Drummond, MDCM


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