GBS/CIDP Foundation of Canada

Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), and their variants, such as Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN), are rare conditions that are paralyzing and potentially catastrophic inflammatory disorders of the peripheral nerves. GBS, CIDP, and MMN have a slow and unpredictable recovery.  Earlier diagnosis, treatment, and access to rehabilitation services can significantly improve the chances of avoiding permanent lifelong residual damage to the nerves. Our vision is that every person affected by GBS, CIDP, or variants such as MMN will have access to early and accurate diagnosis, expert interdisciplinary treatment, and support, and through continued research, a cure will be developed.

GBS/CIDP Foundation of Canada was founded in 2003. We are a charitable, patient-centred organization that provides support, education, research, and advocacy so that no patient or family goes through GBS, CIDP, MMN, or their variants alone. The foundation has proudly established a National Medical Advisory Board of 16 Canadian neuromuscular specialists trained in diagnosing and treating our disorders and a network of trained volunteers providing peer-to-peer support and building critical community awareness nationwide.

Medical professionals are welcome to connect with the foundation for more information.

Brochures & Educational Resources:

Browse our educational content below including brochures about the foundation, side effects of IVIG treatments, Immunoglobulin and more.


Symptoms, Diagnostics and Treatments:

Guillain-Barré Syndrome is an inflammatory disorder of the peripheral nerves. Hover over the interactive boxes below to see signs of onset, diagnostic processes and treatments.

Validated by Dr. Vera Bril UHN, TGH and Dr. Hans Katzberg, UHN, TWH


  • Progressive weakness, often starting 1-2 weeks after viral infection, and spreading to all extremities
  • May be associated with bulbar weakness and impaired respiration leading to need for intensive care
  • Associated with loss of reflexes
  • May be painful; usually minimal sensory findings


These practices assess GBS, aiding medical professionals to come to a diagnosis:

  • Nerve conduction studies show demyelination but can be normal in the first week
  • CSF shows elevated protein and normal cell count, but can be normal in first week


  • High dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)
  • Plasma exchange
  • Once IVIG has been administered, a patient should be observed for 2-weeks prior to an alternate treatment being prescribed
  • Treatment within two weeks of onset provides maximal benefit

Video Content:

Watch below for more information on GBS, CIDP, and MMN with Dr. Hans Katzberg and Dr. Vera Bril.

Video Content:

Watch below as we celebrate the triumph of the stories of brave GBS and CIDP warriors. For the complete library of patient stories, visit:

Contact GBS/CIDP Foundation of Canada:



(647) 560-6842

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