EM:POWER Task Force

CAEP’s EM:POWER Task Force:
A Systems Approach to the Future of Emergency Care in Canada
Request for EM Community Consultation

Canadian emergency departments (EDs) play a vital role in the delivery of care to acutely ill and injured patients. They also increasingly act as a safety net for a broad swath of the population for whom the larger healthcare system is unable or unwilling to provide timely care. As dysfunction has increased in our system, EDs have been disproportionately impacted, making it difficult—impossible, at times—to provide the essential services for which they were designed. COVID-19 further exposed and exacerbated the system’s pre-existing lack of readiness and responsiveness, leaving many EDs on the verge of collapse.

In response to these challenges, CAEP has commissioned EM:POWER, a new Task Force with an ambitious mission to create a systems approach to the future of emergency medicine in Canada. We believe a systems change approach – taking into account the broader ecosystem in which emergency medicine is practiced – is necessary to provide a viable a framework for a future redesign.

You are an important stakeholder as a EM community member. As such, we invite you to please complete the questionnaire HERE. There will also be an opportunity to provide suggestions, comments and feedback and add any other topics you believe to be important. Completion of the questionnaire should take no more than 15 minutes.

We also invite you to participate in a CAEP member focus with leads from the Task Force – you will have an option to opt in at the end of the questionnaire linked above.

This is our opportunity to reinvigorate the systems in which we work and that is why hearing from our key stakeholders is essential.


Alecs Chochinov MD FRCPC

For more information contact:

Christina Bova
Directory, Member Engagement and Advocacy
1-800-463-1158  X17

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